Jun 6, 2012

Summer School Sucks

Summer school and two jobs are the worsttttt. But my new volunteer position at the hospital is exciting and I start next week! WHAT DO I WEARRRRR?!?!?!
 New white bustier dress with studded belt and strappy le Chateau sandals.
This outfit was cuter in person ... and the shoes friggin hurt but they are such gems. Found at VV obv and they're real woven leather old people shoes, never even been worn!
 Brunch outfit :) White lace dress (was a massive gown, cut it up, threw a slip under it). Floppy felt hat, mauve shooties, woven leather belt.
 Favourite dress ever, way to short, dunno how I'll wear it though - inappropro for work.
 Interview outfit I wore to the hospital - threw a cardi and colourful scarf on top though - it was super cold.
 Skulls. skulls. skulls. my love.

Next weekend shopping in Tdot with my main bitch KP. SOEXCITED!!! Been saving up for the past 2 paycheques so I can buy new clothes! And maybe a new purse!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the first dress <3

    Lea x

