So after leaving Byron Bay, which was beaches beaches beaches, I moved onto Hervey Bay where I stayed for one night before I went to Fraser Island for 3 days of camping, and 4wd-ing along sand dunes in the biggest sand island in the world. Fraser was quite possibly my favourite place in Australia, simply gorgeous and camping is always so much fun. We saw amazing lakes all day, had fun breaking our trucks and waiting for dingoes to come attack us, and played some awesome drinking games with our goon every night. One night we took a walk down to the beach, and in the pitch black, without torches or cell phone lights shining, the sand sparkled when we rubbed our heels against it due to the phosphorous, it's such an amazing sight to see. The crew in our truck/tent was also amazing, we all had such a good time together, and even breaking down was fun.
After leaving Fraser Island, I travelled up to Noosa, stayed for a few days in our biggest dorm yet, a 16-share, which was very fun because the people we stayed with became family, and we spent our days at the beach, and our nights drinking in our dorm and taking walks (more like hikes) to the beach to smoke, eat ice cream, play in the waves and just enjoy owning the whole sky at night. The stars in Noosa were insane, the sky felt so huge and we felt infinite, standing in the water, in the pitch black, staring at the stars surrounding us. God it was beautiful.
After Noosa I travelled up to Airlie Beach (all this travelling North is done by bus by the way, now, a 14 hour train or bus ride, in a small upright seat with noisy neighbours doesn't even phase me .. it's the 16 hour ones that kill). In Airlie Beach there wasn't much to do, from there, and every city further North on the East Coast had beaches that we couldn't swim at due to jellyfish or something. Anyways Airlie Beach consisted of waiting to hear if I could go on my Whistunday's sailing trip, which after 3 days was finally cancelled, so then I decided to leave and go right up to Cairns and try and do my cruise/work-a-board trip. The night we were tying to leave was the night a cyclone hit, and we were told by the police that no busses were running (which was a lie), so we had to go back to a hostel, where we lost all power and it was disgustingly hot and humid and cramped and just gross and no fun. The next morning at 5am, after a breakfast beer, I made a run for the Greyhound and finally arrived in Cairns!
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